Crafter's Creative Corner

I love to craft.  Sewing, scrapbooking, gifting, painting, building and of course encouraging my kids to craft.  With social media and so many ridiculous computer games and devices, children have lost the art of...well art.  

When we bought this house, I was determined to find a designated area for crafting.  We were able to switch the laundry to the other side of the downstairs bathroom and my husband built some walls to create a laundry/craft room.  This downstairs area was so long and narrow, we decided to split it into two separate rooms.  The open closet became the laundry nook and the back end of the room is now our daughter's room.  

 Voila....a crafter's corner.  I haven't really decorated this room much, because at this point in the remodel, I am just itching to get things out of boxes and get my craft room functioning.  With many decorating projects ahead of me, and sewing projects, I really needed my space.  I am happy with how it has turned out so far.

The east side of the basement.  Far end will be
storage and pantry and Carl's man cave.
Movie room in the center of the room.
More than anything, I am just relieved to have my things out of boxes.  Carl started to frame in the walls for the movie room, storage/pantry room, his reloading "man cave" and another bedroom on the east side of the basement.  The unfinished part of the basement.  However, up until now, it has been where we have been storing the unpacked boxes.  You would think that since we haven't been using these boxes for three plus months, we would need them.  But clearly, I need my crafts.

We are building another bedroom here.

This is the same view as the first picture, just with a wall a little closer to me.  Its not the "cutest" craft room, but at this point, I just needed to get things out of boxes.
Finally able to get my fabrics organized and out in the open to see.  Sometimes I forget what I have and end up buying more "stuff".  With this layout and organizing shelves and jars...everything is visible and labeled.

This is the first time in my married life that I have had all my threads visible and organized.  Before they were stuff in little bins where I would have to rummage to find the proper color.  This shelf sits directly above my sewing table, how convenient. 

I know I haven't invented the organizing wheel, nor am I the first to share it, but I am just stoked to be so organized now.

Everything has a place and everything in its place.  This make for some happy crafting!!!
What are your favorite crafting projects and organizing tips?


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